The Carnivore Combo is a fantastic opportunity to get up close and personal with 4 top predators.

Red Fox

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Spectacled Owl

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Boa Constrictor

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Arctic Fox

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The Carnivore Combo is a fantastic opportunity to get up close and personal with 4 top Predators. During the hour long experience, you’ll get to meet our Servals, feed the Foxes and stroke one of our Owls and Snakes.

The first animal will be one of our Owls. We have several Owls that get used on this experience and you’ll have the fantastic opportunity to handle one of them.

You’ll then move onto one of our Fox groups. This could be the Red or Arctic Foxes depending on the day. You can hand feed them their favourite food (chicken) – this isn’t for the faint of heart as the chicken comes in its purest form but gloves are provided.

After this you’ll meet one of our slithery friends. This is usually a boa constrictor – although this can change.

You’ll finish the experience with Duma or Zeus, one of our Servals. You’ll be invited to get close to these amazing cats and help prepare some of their enrichment.

Please be aware that as our animals welfare is of utmost importance and we are privileged to be able to get so close to these species – we will not force our animals to do anything against their nature and all interaction is done on their terms.